
Waive Raiders will headline YouthFest at Norton Music Factory

April 5, 20241 min read

Young artists, musicians, and creatives will take to the stage at Norton Music Factory for NextGen YouthFest.

Wave Raiders (pictured) will headline the youth live music gig, with performances from Ampersand, Ella Joy (main picture), Hugo and The Hive, Ben Lunt, Harriette and Tatum, Hati, and the winner of Aura YouthFest.

If you haven’t yet entered the Aura YouthFest competition to win $3000 worth of recording at Yama-Nui head to our story here.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your kids to an all-ages gig to be inspired and entertained by the youth of today.

The event will be at Norton Music Factory, Caloundra West, on May 4 at 4pm.

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