
Yelo expands to Brisbane and Gold Coast

September 12, 20236 min read

Hello my Sunny Coast folk, and newfound friends from down the road,

It has taken me a long time to consider whether Yelo, a Sunshine Coast online ‘music street press’ publication I created in July, should take on these other major cities.

You see, conquering the Sunny Coast wasn’t as hard as I thought, so why not just keep moving the goal posts and freaking myself out, right?

Might as well continue the challenge of chronic pain, single-mum life and folding socks. Cos we all need more pressure in our lives! 😉

Yelo.Australia, anyone? Yelo.Earth? LOL.

So my dear Yelo fam bam, we are expanding to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, but a hyper-local focus will always remain on social media. And potentially each locale will have its own website when we get ourselves more organised (ie have more hands!).

I was resistant to this idea for some time, as I felt somewhat of a betrayal to my Sunny Coast community, until it became apparent that all our local musicians who we support, and wouldn’t exist without, very often travel and perform between the three major cities.

And THEN. *drum roll*

I realised that I might have been living under a rock when I saw what was actually available musically in these other cities that I had absolutely no idea about!

And let’s face it, the three cities all basically link up now so maybe we all could do with being a little more adventurous?

Perhaps with widening the net, we will encourage more people to come out of their homes and into the beating heart of the music community?

While I have been creating this website and its subsequent communities, I have stood by this famous Bob Marley quote and it’s been my guiding light throughout:

“The one thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

It’s kinda heart-breaking, but true right?

Life’s a struggle and no one escapes pain.

As my favourite “controversial” psychologist Jordan Peterson says “life is a tragedy”, and he means that in the most Shakespearean way.

Or you might prefer this one.

Legendary English comic Charlie Chaplin one said, “Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot”.

Either way you look at it, we need tools to survive and bring us happiness.

Enter, music.

Yelo is a heart-centred business following the philosophies of Bob Marley and the other greats, who all know this life ain’t an easy one, so we will always strive to brighten things up around here for you all.

Music is healing.

If you’re not used to going out for live music, I implore you to do so.

I get it though.

I’m a renowned “house cat” and with my Spotify, comfy bed, JBL Extreme 3 speaker I call “Blue Balls” (we can save that story for another day), and my kidlets and cat, Chester, I really like being at home too!

It might feel like a bit of a push to get yourself out at the start, but it’s really important to have a community in your life otherwise you will find yourself in a very sore and sorry state of isolation and loneliness.

And trust me if you’re going to be part of a community, it sure as heck better be the music one because hello – music is FUN!

Life is just way too serious these days, we all could do with a big dose of the “sillies”. You really do need to get out there and dance and sing and be theatrical.

If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry!

So, smile and sing out aloud when you walk around the town. Heck, get nude whilst doing so! (OK, that might be a bit extreme, but whatever you are comfortable with, and without getting arrested.)

And while you’re at it, get those singing lessons you’ve always been wanting. Join a choir or start a band.

Check out your local karaoke club or front up to one of the welcoming, local open mics.

Music people are awesome. We’re all here for the same dopamine hit.

So with that, we wish you all the happies and sillies, and hope that you will soon find your musical tribe, both local, far and wide.

Love, team Yelo (and your crazy editor, P) x

If you want to advertise your music event for free or just talk about music happenings/issues in your local area please join our free Yelo social community boards:

Sunshine Coast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/yelomusicsunnycoast

Gold Coast: https://m.facebook.com/groups/279949238120617/

Brisbane: https://m.facebook.com/groups/863546055344581/

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