
Review: Brixton Alley @ Solbar, 01/03/24

March 5, 20244 min read

Review by Claudia Sheils

Brisbane’s best brought their fury to the Sunny Coast on Saturday night to show us how it’s done!

Following the release of their first ever collaboration, “Young Dreamers”, Brixton Alley and Boof Heads celebrated by spoiling us with a free Solbar show.

Supporting them were local legends Chamber Lane who always put on a high-energy show, and understood the assignment. 

The four-piece band always has the same impeccable energy and infectious smiles at every show.

And they set the tone for an incredible performance to come from the headlining acts.

Boof Heads bring the goods

This was actually the first time I’d seen these guys in all their glory.

They absolutely exceeded my already high expectations. 

Boof Heads weren’t shy about showcasing everything they had. 

It takes a special stage presence to shift a crowd’s atmosphere to the extent I witnessed during their set. 

Watching the scantily-clad frontman march around the stage, while paying so much mind-to-audience involvement, reminded me distinctly of a time standing front-row at a Dead Kennedys show.

Loud music, loud energy, loud support, loud connection.

Special mention goes to their faultless cover of Red Hot Chili Peppers’, “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”.

Boof Heads sure knows how to take hold of the atmosphere, and they know where to take it. 

Brixton Alley keeps the energy high

Brixton Alley stepped forth with their usual suave and kicked off their set.

It’s always a beautiful experience to take part in a crowd which loves and supports a band enough to holla along to all their favourite songs. 

Brixton Alley will forever be one of my favourite Australian acts to see live thanks to the addictive energy that overflows from their stage into every corner of the room.

Electric barely covers it, when describing the vibrant smiles on the faces of their audience.

But the real magic behind this show was created by the comradery between the artists. 

The support from each band to the next livened up the mosh increasingly and kept the crowd moving.

Collaboration magic

All this energy came to ahead when Brixton and Boof Heads came together to hit us with the highly anticipated performance of their new single. 

The two bands were seemingly destined to join forces, both sporting frontmen armed with the delicate talent of incorporating a hip-hop sprinkle into a hard rock performance. 

Their ability to work together onstage was stunning, and better yet, amplified by the addition of Chamber Lane band members to really turn the heat up. 

Seeing so many artists come together so seamlessly, and genuinely enjoying themselves, just fed the magic directly to a receptive audience.

I can only describe the feeling as an overwhelming, “there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now”.

I walked out of Solbar utterly satisfied and buzzing with pure energy. 

Brixton Alley and Boof Heads are on for round two this Saturday in Brisbane at Stranded Bar, with support from Space&Ages.

Grab yourself a ticket.

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