
Music club shutdown confusion

September 5, 20234 min read

Conondale: Music lovers are being encouraged to write to Sunshine Coast Council in support of the Crystal Waters Music Club after it was radically shut down by Council last month.

It has been the biggest trending story on Yelo to date, after news broke that Council closed the beloved community club citing noise complaints from neighbours.

However, a source from the Conondale eco-village, of just 200 residents, has told Yelo that every neighbour surrounding the village had approached the music club to say they had not complained about the noise.

“None of (the) neighbours made the complaint to Council. They have all approached the music club and said it wasn’t them, they’re not bothered by the club,” the source said.

“So, it may be some vindictive person nursing a grudge for some sick reason. It’s hard to say.”

A Council spokesperson told Yelo on August 23 that a compliance officer visited the property in response to “noise complaints arising from music events held at the site” and informed a representative that a development approval would be required to be obtained for such events to take place on a regular basis.

“Council has an obligation to investigate any complaints made by the general public in relation to activities which may be being undertaken unlawfully. To date, no formal compliance action has been taken by Council,” the spokesperson said.

“Council is committed to achieving a balance between development and community expectations. Council offers development advice services to help inform and guide operators and property owners about development requirements for such events/uses.” 

Commenting on a Yelo story about the closure, Facebook user Trevor Ross said: “Remember come local council elections just cancel them by voting them out”.

Another user Daryl Thompson called Council: “Sunshine Coast Cancel”, after music events such as Buskers By The Lake and Maleny Lane were also unsupported by Council.

Our source said the real problem was that the music club, or more precisely the Crystal Waters “co-op”, didn’t have a venue licence.

“They have licences for other events, but not concerts of music for which an entrance fee is charged,” they said.

“So maybe the vexatious complaint alerted Council to the concerts, then Council then looked at the co-op’s licences, and concluded they didn’t cover these concerts.

“Perhaps the co-op are now (a) trying to argue to Council that a venue licence is not needed; or (b) negotiating with Council about the quickest way they can obtain such a licence. And the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly.

“So Council might just be trading cautiously/legalistically about this, after all they have supported and sponsored some (of our) events in the past.

“Or your (Yelo opinion piece) might still be correct, that Council are being totally oppressive about this.”

The source concluded that letters to Councillor Winston Johnston supporting Crystal Waters Music Club “certainly won’t hurt”.

Email your support for the club to winston.johnston@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or tell us your thoughts here: https://yelo.live/contact/

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