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Sunshine Coast musicians lose valuable tech gear in Birtinya burglary

March 22, 20254 min read

Main photo: Adam-James, pictured at Solbar, was one of several Sunshine Coast musicians who lost gear following a break-and-enter at The Station earlier this week.

Sunshine Coast musicians have lost thousands of dollars in equipment after live music venue The Station was reportedly burgled on Thursday.

Several musicians, including singer/songwriter Adam-James and DJ Jonny Sonic, rent work spaces at the former Nightquarter precinct in Birtinya.

Pictured: Photos of the scene at The Station, in Birtinya, on Thursday.

The pair say between them they lost almost $11,000 in technical equipment and instruments.

Adam-James, who was forced to buy a new guitar for his gig at Solbar last night, lost almost $9000 in gear in the alleged crime spree.

“Ironically I released a song called ‘Keep Swimming’ not long ago. And little did I know it would become the truest self affirmation ever,” Adam-James says.

In a note to his fans after last night’s show he says: “Having my studio broken into this week, and all my guitars and speakers stolen… I truly had to remind myself to ‘keep swimming’.

“Hearing you all chant it back to me, meant more this week than ever before.

“Thank you so much to everyone that came out, and thanks again @banksyamusic and @longwayhomemusic for opening the night – you guys were awesome 🫶🏽. Can’t wait to do it again some time Sunny Coast 🙏🏽.

If you have seen any of Adam-James’s gear contact him via Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adamjames.music/.

Potbelleez DJ another victim of The Station raid

DJ Jonny Sonic (pictured) says he lost almost $3000 in equipment.

Best known for his work with The Potbelleez, Jonny lists the following items as being stolen:

“VOLT 467 Interface $695, RHODE USB Mic $223, LAUNCHPAD PRO MK4 $489, Apple Magic Mouse $119, Apple Magic Keys $125, AKAI WHITE, MIDI KEYBOARD $200, Audio Technica $419,” he says.

“Total: $2270.”

If you can help Jonny Sonic contact him via Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnysonicmusic/.

The Station and Team Musicare lose tools

It’s not just Sunshine Coast musicians impacted, The Station and Team Musicare say they are also victims.

Team Musicare is an NDIS music-therapy operator who also shares the venue site.

They say they have lost $3000 worth of tools.

“We are trying to create a community here on the Coast that is both life changing in Youth Justice and Disability,” they say in a shared statement on social media.

“Being broken into and having all our tools and cleaning gear stolen won’t stop us.

“It will just be a pain and we will speed bump our way through.

“We are here for the Big Picture. We will forgive those if they just return our Tools and Gurney and say sorry. Lots of other stall holders broken into and alcohol stolen.

“Love and light, Team Musicare.”

If you can help these Sunshine Coast musicians find their gear phone Police Link: 131 444. Or visit https://www.police.qld.gov.au/policelink-reporting.

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