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Home and Away star and Australian entertainment expert Jai Evans dies age 43

September 6, 20241 min read

Sydney-based PR and entertainment guru Jai Evans has died at the age of 43, the Daily Mail reports.

Jai was found in his luxury Darlinghurst apartment on Sunday and his death is not suspicious, according to the report.

Jai had more than two decades of experience in the public relations industry, founding Evans Media in 2005, where he helped hundreds of companies with their PR strategies.

Throughout his career, Jai was also an advertising manager, publicist, magazine publisher and editor.

He had a short acting career, appearing on Home and Away in 1997.

Evans worked for several industry giants in the Australian media including Channel Nine and Sky News.

Read the Daily Maily report here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13819543/Legendary-Australian-entertainment-icon-dead-43.html.

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