
Hip-hop fundraiser for Boxing Day boating victim’s family

December 31, 20233 min read

The Sunshine Coast hip-hop community has pulled together for the family of Robert Holden who was killed in the Boxing Day storm.

Robert’s daughter Maddison Holden, AKA “Maya Mercy”, is a well-known Brisbane hip-hop artist.

Cooper Harlum, “Harlum”, is putting on a show at Nambour’s The Presynct on Friday, to raise funds for the family.

A fundraiser event

“I just thought I gotta do what I can. Maddi is a friend of mine and lots of artists in the hip-hop community on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane,” Harlum said.

“She’s a great supporter of the scene. You always see her at hip-hop shows, and filming people’s shows, which is why we need to do this for her.

“The best thing we can do in this music community is to do what we can to help out.”

A proud dad moment

Obviously a huge supporter of his daughter, Robert paid tribute to Maddison earlier this year on LinkedIn saying: “PROUD DAD MOMENT … daughter (Maddi) made an EP record in her room with limited equipment.

“Sad seeing her heartbroken but I like the songs she wrote about lost love. Few swear words which dad isn’t used to hearing her say but she loves hip hop and rap. Please have a listen on Spotify or Apple Music and build her confidence.”

Harlum said Robert bought Maddison her “first ever” keyboard, which she uses to sing and rap with.

“We got to have a bit of a chat yesterday about how her dad was a huge part of her life, and was so proud to see her come out of her shell the last year.

“She said he was a big part of her inspiration to do what she is doing now.”

Family’s financial strain

Robert recently started a new business venture, which meant the family was already in financial strain, Harlum said.

“It’s a rough situation for the family (with Robert being) the sole earner of the family. They have a son starting year 12.”

Several artists had already jumped on board in support of Harlum’s fundraiser, including Brisbane’s Megalodon and Jazz, and the Coast’s Pottsy, Slurpy, and DJ Watersouth.

The event is $10 entry on the door, and you can also donate directly to the Holden family’s GoFund Me on the night.

Donate to Robert Holden’s family GoFund Me here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/moreton-bay-boxing-day-tragedy-family-in-crisis.

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