John Justus is frontman of The Justus Trio and baby brother to local rock legend Dellacoma Rio. John describes his band as “sunshine rock-n-roll”, with fast-paced rock, upbeat tempo, and grunge-punk flavours. Their single, “Distant”, is out now. Catch The Justus Trio at The Presynct on July 20. How did The Justus Trio find each
Sunshine Coast drummer @baileydrummer chatted with Yelo about his popular podcast, connecting with enthusiastic musicians and having an outlet outside of hitting the tubs. Nambour drummer and podcaster Bailey Walker is quickly becoming the online sensation with his podcast, “Ask a Muso“, charging through its fourth season. The series of interviews, where Bailey puts the
Emerging artists will quickly learn the term “electronic press kit” or “EPK” when they enter the music industry. This is particularly so as they begin to pick up paid work. So as Lara Bingle would say, ‘what the bloody hell is an EPK anyway?’ The music industry experts at Yelo give us the lowdown. What