
8 Ball Aitken to headline blues night at Norton Music Factory

May 13, 20241 min read

Sunny Coast swamp-blues-rock artist 8 Ball Aitken is set to take over Norton Music Factory, Caloundra West, for Brownwyn Street Blues Volume 8 on May 25.

He joins Darren Jack Trio, Dillion James Band, Jessy Lynch Band, and Hemi, across two stages.

8 Ball Aitken

Singer, songwriter, slide-guitarist, and producer, 8 Ball Aitken has earned a loyal fanbase from his live shows and internet videos.

He moved to Nashville in 2012, working for nine years with many of the best in the blues, and taking second place in the 2021 International New Orleans Cigar Box Guitar Festival hosted by Samantha Fish.

8 Ball is back with a brand-new blues rock album, “Ice Cream Man 2”, which hit #1 in the Australian Blues & Roots Charts in 2023, making four #1 AMRAP Chart hits.

Tickets and event info

Check Brownwyn Street Blues Volume 8 at Norton Music Factory, Caloundra West on May 25.

Tickets $40: https://www.eventbrite.com.au.

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