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Newly refurbished Big Pineapple landmark costs $10 to climb

December 14, 20243 min read

The Big Pineapple in Woombye has completed major interior refurbishments of its iconic structure but locals say it comes with a price.

They are concerned the $10 cost to climb the popular Sunshine Coast roadside landmark is “too expensive”.

After announcing the updates on social media today, it wasn’t long before people started to chime in about the charge.

Cyndee Fardow says: “It’s great that it’s open again and I commend you on all the work involved in bringing it back to scratch.”

“Whilst I understand the restoration would have been costly, I think that a $10pp fee to go in is just too expensive… particularly at this time.

“Your attraction is aimed at families so it needs to be priced as such.”

Laney Radcliffe says “$3 entry seems more reasonable”, while Courtney Findlay says, “Insane price. Especially when it was free.”

Others just want to know if the pineapple parfaits are back.

“That’s great…..BUT ARE THERE PARFAITS YET???” Rachelle Daly says.

On social media, management said of the interiors: “This is the ultimate in Piney nostalgia experiences for those who went through it as kids.”

“We won’t say too much about what it looks like so not to spoil the surprise but we think it is very cool, (literally as we have air conditioned it).”

In June, the giant fruit had a grand reopening after months of renovations unveiling a new front pavilion, cafe, and playground. 

The Big Pineapple is open tomorrow every half hour for 20 minute tours starting at 9am.

Kids under three are free.

A royal touch to The Big Pineapple

A train carriage that King Charles (then Prince) and the late Princess Diana rode in during a 1983 visit has been immortalised.

At 16-metre tall, The Big Pineapple historically drew more than a million visits a year, making it the most popular tourism attraction in Australia. 

Management encouraged history buffs on Thursday to “feel free to sit in it” and “take photos” with the carriage to “relive the time when royalty touched the Piney!”

Enjoying a facelift in recent times, the precinct holds a special place in the hearts of many local families who grew up visiting the attraction.

Photo: The Prince and Princess of Wales, Charles and Diana, ride the Big Pineapple train during their visit to the Sunshine Coast in 1983 (via Queensland State Archives).

Woombye’s pineapple fields attracted 16,000 people for the Big Pineapple music festival on October 19.

It’s also home to the much-loved, outdoor high-ropes and zipline course, Tree Top Challenge, and the Wildlife HQ Zoo.

The immortalised carriage will be kept on permanent display next to the pit-stop’s cafe.

The Big Pineapple marked its 50th anniversary in 2021.

Check out our photos from this year’s Big Pineapple Festival: https://yelo.live/socials-were-you-spotted-at-big-pineapple-festival-2024/.

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